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Trusted third party system for Belarus in 2014

A software and hardware complex is in development in Belarus to offer trusted third party services, BelTA learned from Alexander Kasko, Head of the Office for the state system for managing public keys for verifying digital signatures of the National Center for Electronic Services (NCES).

The work to create the software and hardware complex to provide trusted third party services will be completed in 2014 through joint efforts of the Operations and Analysis Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Technical Data Protection Research Institute, and the National Center for Electronic Services. The effort will be undertaken to enable interaction between the state system for managing the public keys, which are used to verify digital signatures in Belarus, on the one hand and foreign service providers on the other hand.

The trusted third party system will be created to enable transboundary cooperation within the framework of the agreement on using information technologies to exchange digital documents in foreign trade and mutual trade in the common customs territory of the Customs Union, said Alexander Kasko. Trusted third party services will be needed as countries exchange digital documents and automate the processes involved in confirming the authenticity of digital signatures, the identity, and integrity of digital documents. Digital documents need to be validated for the sake of recognizing the legal force of the documents, their authenticity and for the sake of protecting data and archiving digital documents.

NCES representatives told BelTA that the work is part of the Union State program designed to improve the protection of Belarusian and Russian common information resources by utilizing high technologies in 2011-2015.
Tags: safetytechnologies