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UK offers assistance for Belarus’ education sector

A solemn ceremony to present scholarships of Magna Carta College Oxford was held at the UK Embassy in Minsk on 31 January, BelTA has learnt.

Bruce Bucknell, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the UK to Belarus, noted that Belarus and the United Kingdom are keen on expanding cooperation in the academic field. “The UK government would like to provide assistance for the education sector of Belarus. As for Magna Carta College Oxford, it is very important that its programs are also meant for people with special needs,” the diplomat noted.

According to CEO of Magna Carta College Oxford Vadzim Tsitou, the education systems of Belarus and the United Kingdom have a lot in common. “They offer high-quality education and complement each other. Belarus represents the education system of the former USSR republics, while the education system of the UK has many centuries of experience. Each of them have their own strong points, therefore a person who gets two diplomas – Belarusian and British ones – will have a great competitive edge on the labor market,” Vadzim Tsitou underlined. In his words, the Global Ambassador Scholarship Programme (GASPR) of Magna Carta College Oxford provides a broader access to the British professional education.

Bruce Bucknell and Vadzim Tsitou presented certificates for scholarships covering 70% of the program costs to economist at Belneftekhim Concern Sergei Vainelovich and engineer at the Euroopt retail chain Marina Kornilayeva.

The scholarship covering 100% of the Pre-Master's Certificate program was presented to Minsk resident Tatiana Kelikh, an economist-manager at the marketing department of the Estonia-Belarus joint venture that develops games and applications for iPad. Although Tatiana has several disabilities, she managed to write the best essay without using hands and proved that people with special needs can be as successful in work and studies as other people. The girl could not come to the solemn ceremony at the British Embassy; therefore Vadzim Tsitou handed over the certificate at her home.

Tatiana Kelikh is convinced that the knowledge she will receive during her studies at Magna Carta College Oxford will give a boost to her career, because she works for the company that promotes products on the international market.

Eight scholarships were provided to Belarusian nationals for the February intake. The studies will begin on 3 February 2014.

The Global Ambassador Scholarship Programme of Magna Carta College Oxford was launched on 20 August 2013. The scholarships are provided to citizens of the countries which embassies support this program. The GASPR is headed by Sir Stephen Brown, Co-Chairman of the international corporate diplomacy consulting group Ambassador Partnership.

With the assistance of the Belarusian Embassy in the UK and the diplomatic mission of the United Kingdom in Belarus, Magna Carta College Oxford provided 42 scholarships for Belarusian citizens for the January and February intakes. As many as 68 countries currently take part in the program and each of them will receive 21 scholarships three times a year.

Vadzim Tsitou underlined that different target groups will get the opportunity to receive British education. “In Belarus the program is supported by Sergei Aleinik, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to the UK and Bruce Bucknell, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the UK to Belarus. They help Belarusian citizens receive British education without difficulties and with minimal expenses,” Vadzim Tsitou noted.

Scholarships covering 100% of costs of distance learning courses are offered to disabled persons in wheelchairs, people from dysfunctional families and gifted children from orphanages. Scholarships covering 70% of costs of correspondence or distance learning courses are provided to university students, specialists from state-run enterprises and media persons. Scholarships covering 50% of costs of correspondence, distance or full-time learning courses are given to acting athletes, university students and specialists from state-run enterprises. Lecturers and school teachers are able to get a scholarship which covers 50% of costs if they apply for the Effective Online Tutoring Programme (EOTP). At present the college receives applications for the May intake.
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