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UNDP to help build experimental energy-effective homes in Belarus in 2016

Experimental energy-effective homes will be built in Minsk, Mogilev and Grodno in 2016, BelTA learned from Belarusian Deputy Architecture and Construction Minister Dmitry Semenkevich after the official opening ceremony of the House Expo on 16 March.

“This year we are going to implement a joint project together with the UNDP. We are going to build three energy-effective homes in Mogilev, Minsk, and Grodno. The project proceeds on schedule. We have started building the three homes. Mogilev is ahead of the others now. The first floors are being assembled already,” noted the Belarusian Deputy Architecture and Construction Ministry.

Dmitry Semenkevich explained that UNDP experts had chosen Belarusian large-panel home construction factories as partners for this project. “Very cunning technical solutions are used to build these homes. They allow building homes that need virtually no active heating. The design relies on solar cells, heat recuperation from internal air and the water used for taking showers and washing dishes. A special sewerage system is used to recover heat for heating purposes. Heat can also be gained from the house’s foundation,” said the official.

It is an experimental project. “We will use this year’s results to decide whether the entire country should build these homes,” said the Belarusian Deputy Architecture and Construction Minister.

House Expo: Architecture, Design, Construction is scheduled to take place in Minsk on 16-19 March. Every day is a special one. 16 March is a business day, 17 March is a design day, 18 March is a day of architecture and construction. A number of events will be held during the expo. A contest of landscape projects will take place as well as various presentations and master classes. The expo takes place with assistance of the Architecture and Construction Ministry, the timber, woodworking, pulp and paper industry concern Bellesbumprom, the Belarusian Union of Industrial Designers, and the Belarusian National Technical University. It has been organized by the exhibition company BelInterExpo and the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
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