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Union State MPs to discuss common sci-tech space development

The development of the common sci-tech space will be discussed at a meeting of the Union State PA Commission on Economic Policy in Gomel on 26 March, BelTA learned from the PA press service.

MPs will consider the list of priority sci-tech programs of the Union State, review the results of the Mikrosistemotekhnika and Standardization-SG in 2014 and look into the draft action plan of the Commission on Economic Policy for 2015. Besdies, the PA delegation will meet with Chairpersons of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee and the Gomel Oblast Council of Deputies.

On 26 March the Union State MPs will pay a visit to the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University and companies-residents of the free economic zone Gomel Raton – Freshpack and Alcopack. The MPs will visit subdivisions of OAO Gomselmash on 27 March.

Partaking in the meeting apart from the MPs will be representatives of the Union State Permanent Committee, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the State Science and Technology Committee of Belarus, the Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, and companies involved in innovative technology development.