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Union State program equipment for Belarusian emergency information center

The center that will collect information about emergencies will be fitted with the software and hardware solutions created as part of the Union State program Monitoring SG, BelTA learned from Sergei Korenyako, executive director of the program, during the field press event held on 4 March to highlight the implementation of space technology programs of the Union State of Belarus and Russia.

According to Sergei Korenyako, a center to process information about emergencies on the Earth is being created in Belarus. “By 2017 we plan to fit it with the software and hardware solutions developed as part of the Monitoring SG program,” said the official.

“It is important for us to address matters relevant for the monitoring of emergencies on the Earth. This is why together with colleagues from the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry as part of the program serious R&D headway is being secured to create the relevant center for processing the information that will be fed by space-based and aircraft-based sources,” explained the executive director of the program.

In his words, the received information will be then fed to the emergency management center of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry.

The Union State program on the development of space-based and ground-based solutions to feed remote Earth sensing data to consumers in Russia and Belarus (Monitoring SG) is designed to run in 2013-2017. The program is meant to create hardware and software modelling systems for lab tests and field tests of space equipment, gear, purpose-built and scientific equipment for space purposes. As part of the program physical infrastructure will be created to provide training and retraining to space industry professionals.