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Vitebsk Oblast receives €200,000 for environmental improvement

Vitebsk Oblast got €200,000 for its four districts with a view to improve the environmental situation there, BelTA learnt from the Interaction Fund.

Grants, €50,000 each, were allocated by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) to Braslav, Glubokoye, Polotsk and Chashniki Districts on 19 December. “The funds are provided in line with the international environmental project aimed at introducing Local Environmental Action Plans (LEAP). Partaking in the initiative are ten Belarusian and four Moldavian districts. Money will be used to develop green zones and upgrade the domestic waste management system,” the fund stressed.

Action plans are strategies to analyze and eliminate any environmental threats. The development of these strategies in Belarus was coordinated by Interaction Fund. In October-November 2014 they were approved by the local authorities. Every LEAP includes a “green” initiative that reflects the specific nature of the district and the current ecological situation.

Thus, Polotsk will use the funds to combat pollutant emissions from the industrial factories located in Polotsk and nearby Novopolotsk. Three green zones will be created in the city. These green zones will feature plants that secure the most efficient air filtration. Besides, the regional children’s and youth center will set up a greenhouse to grow such plants. It is worth mentioning that in 2011 Polotsk was the first city in Belarus to join the Covenant of Mayors. This mainstream European movement unites more than 6,000 cities which aim to meet and exceed the European Union 20% CO2 reduction objective by 2020.

The local authorities of Braslav will use the funds to design a new recreation zone in the city center. It is expected that Braslav residents and tourists will be able to take a walk in a new park and relax by a new pond in 2017. The recreation zone will also feature playgrounds for children and a summer cafй.

As for Glubokoye and Chashniki Districts, here grants will be used to improve the garbage collection procedure. A new dumptruck will be bought for Glubokoye District. About 200 containers for separate waste collection will be installed in Chashniki and Novolukoml.

“€50,000 have been envisaged for each of the abovementioned districts of Vitebsk Oblast. However, local authorities can use other resources as well in order to implement environmental initiatives. Local environmental protection plans can be used as a basis to apply for international assistance,” said Vyacheslav Barsukov, LEAP coordinator in Belarus representing Interaction Fund.

Interaction Fund that promotes international dialogue and cooperation is a non-government organization headquartered in Minsk. The fund specializes in the development and implementation of projects financed by the EU in Belarus and the neighboring countries.
Tags: cooperationecology