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ZTE, Huawei to start implementing projects in China-Belarus Industrial Park in 2015

The Chinese corporations ZTE and Huawei will start implementing projects in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone in 2015, BelTA learned from Alexander Turchin, Deputy Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee, at the session of the Committee held on 24 December to discuss the next year’s draft social and economic development forecast for Minsk Oblast.

In 2015 ZTE will start the project to build a factory and start making telecommunication equipment and components for automobile transport, small-scale power engineering, and communications. Huawei will set up an R&D center.

Agreements have been signed on implementing projects in the park by potential resident companies. The number includes Irridio Motors (Romania), ZAO F-Sintez, Grindex (Latvia), China Huadian Engineering. These companies are expected to make foreign direct investments after the engineering and transport infrastructure is created.

According to Alexander Turchin, the creation of the high-tech park will provide an incentive for the development of the nearby town of Smolevichi. “Every satellite town around Minsk will have its own specialization. For instance, Smolevichi will be developed together with the Chinese-Belarusian park. Fanipol will become a mechanical engineering center. There are good conditions for developing the production sector in Rudensk,” he remarked.

The China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone is a territorial unit with a special legal regime meant to enable comfortable conditions for doing business. The park's concept provides for creating a convenient infrastructure for developing business, granting a considerable tax respite to participants of the project for a lengthy period of time, and providing a set of services to residents of the park. The priority business avenues of the park include the development of fine chemistry, biomedicine, electronics industry, mechanical engineering.

The park is located in Smolevichi District, Minsk Oblast 25km away from Minsk in the immediate proximity to an international airport, the railway network, and the transnational motorway Berlin-Moscow. There are plans to set up manufacturing and residential zones in the park, office premises, trade and entertainment ones, a financial center and an R&D center.