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Long-lasting benefits of Belarusian nuclear power plant pointed out

Photo courtesy of the Energy Ministry
MINSK, 3 May (BelTA) – The Belarusian nuclear power plant is an important element of sustainable development of the economy. Belarusian Deputy Energy Minister Denis Moroz made the statement at a youth forum of OAO Belenergoremnaladka, the Energy Ministry press service told BelTA.

Denis Moroz said: “The commissioning of a domestic nuclear power plant is a fundamental event for the power engineering industry and for the country as a whole. Not only the current generation but our children and grandchildren will benefit from this event.”

The official emphasized that the Belarusian nuclear power plant had enabled additional opportunities for the development of many branches of the national economy and had become a good stimulus for the realization of innovative projects and the introduction of modern technologies.

The deputy energy minister noted that in the course of building the Belarusian nuclear power plant Belarusian specialists accumulated substantial experience and competences. Apart from that, a domestic nuclear industry school of thought has been created. Denis Moroz pointed out that right now virtually all the Belarusian nuclear power plant employees are Belarusians. “The level of our school, the engineering training, efficient and tight interaction with our partner – the Russian state corporation Rosatom – allows us to operate this facility of strategic importance practically fully on our own,” he added.

The deputy energy minister also remarked that tasks concerning the integration of the Belarusian nuclear power plant into the country’s power grid had been successfully accomplished. He described the construction of peaking and backup power sources as an important stage in this work.

The forum took place in the format of a dialogue platform in Minsk on 3 May. The role of young people in the development of the power engineering industry was discussed during the forum as well as opportunities for advanced training and career enhancement for young specialists, new areas of work and the spheres of activity where initiatives of young people enjoy the strongest demand. The forum also touched upon matters of importance for energy industry professionals such as making sure the power grid operates steadily, the operation of the Belarusian nuclear power plant, the main ways of power consumption, prospects of development of electric transport in the country, the modernization of power distribution grids, the management of radioactive waste, and the introduction of innovative technologies.
