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Compact modular nuclear reactors as backbone of future energy industry

Compact modular nuclear reactors with the output capacity ranging from 20MW to 125MW will become the backbone of the energy industry in the near future. The statement was made by James Woodhousen, Professor of Forecasting and Innovation at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, the author of R&D development strategies for the world’s largest companies, at the forecast session of the international industry expo INNOPROM 2013 in Yekaterinburg, Russia, Russian news agencies report.

In his words, at present compact modular nuclear reactors represent the most promising, hermetically sealed sources of power generation. The British professor also noted that compact modular reactors will not be able to shoulder the burden of supplying electricity on the scale of large countries like the USA, China, and Russia but will be able to provide essential support for the energy budget of many nations. “Let’s get down to generating energy at last instead of saving energy,” stressed the scientist.