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Fast-neutron reactors hailed as promising nuclear energy technology


Fast-neutron reactors that operate in a closed fuel cycle are one of the promising nuclear energy technologies. Such opinion was expressed by leading nuclear physicists who gathered for the international conference “Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios” in Paris under the auspices of the IAEA, according to Russian media. The conference brought together over 400 industry professionals from all over the world.

Fast reactors are more costly than thermal reactors. However, they allow using isotopes of heavy atoms, not fissile in thermal reactors. In particular, depleted uranium left from the production of enriched nuclear fuel can be used in such reactors.

According to the participants of the conference, Russian specialists have a lot to offer in this area. For the time being, Russia is the only country that operates a commercial BN-600 fast breeder reactor.

“Promising technologies are fast reactors operating in a closed fuel cycle and very high temperature reactors (VHTR). They can serve as an efficient source of energy to produce hydrogen from water, thus creating a basis for clean energy,” believes Mr Valery Rachkov, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Director of the Institute of Physics and Energy.

The main topics of the Paris conference were the economic component of new-generation nuclear energy technologies and reactor safety. The importance of the latter increased significantly after the Fukushima accident in March 2011.