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Agreement between Gosatomnadzor, Rostekhnadzor to strengthen nuclear security

An agreement between the Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Emergencies Ministry of Belarus (Gosatomnadzor) and the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor) will serve further enhancement of the level of nuclear and radiation safety in the energy sector of Belarus, Gosatomnadzor head Olga Lugovskaya said at the ceremony of signing the agreement on cooperation with Rostekhnadzor on 20 December, BelTA has learnt.

The agreement will give additional development to cooperation established between the national regulators in the nuclear and radiation security sector once Belarus launched the relevant nuclear and energy project. According to Rostekhnadzor head Alexei Ferapontov, cooperation with Belarusian counterparts is based on the principles of partnership and mutual interest.

The agreement will promote cooperation in the development of a legal framework in the nuclear and radiation security sector, licensing of the activity in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, supervisory activities, development and implementation of monitoring programs, security in the use of radioactive and nuclear waste, including their transportation and safe storage. The parties regulate cooperation in control over nuclear materials and ionizing radiation sources, the quality of the equipment for the nuclear power plant, training of the personnel.

As part of the agreement Gosatomnadzor and Rostekhnadzor will share information, visits of experts, joint seminars and consultations, training courses and implement other joint programs.