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AO Atomproject awarded reliable supplier award by

AO Atomproject has been awarded a Reliable Supplier 2014 award by Russia’s largest digital trade portal, BelTA learned from Yekaterina Putronen, head of the public relations department of AO Atomproject.

Nominees for the Reliable Supplier award had to meet a number of requirements: the term of work via the digital trade platform has to exceed six months, regular participation and victories in tenders, contracts are signed, no non-delivery complaints from customers.

In 2014 AO Atomproject signed a total of RUB6,372 million worth of profitable contracts.

The company offers designing services, development of custom-made equipment, decontamination, and development of transport solutions.

AO Atomproject is a leading enterprise of the Russian state corporation Rosatom that offers complex designing of nuclear industry installations, carries out scientific research, and develops new-generation nuclear energy technologies. The company designs new separating and radiochemical enterprises and nuclear power plants with all kinds of reactors. The company also offers project support to nuclear energy installations throughout their lifecycle. Atomproject is one of the participants of the breakthrough project, which is a set of technologies for a closed-circuit nuclear fuel cycle featuring fast-neutron reactors. Atomproject was the company to develop the design of Belarus’ first nuclear power plant.