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Atomenergomash starts making pipes for nuclear power plants at Atommash factory premises

A new site to make equipment for nuclear energy industry and other industries was opened in Volgodonsk, Rostov Oblast, Russia on 12 December, the Atomenergomash Company press service told BelTA. Atomenergomash is part of Rosatom’s power plant engineering division. An Atomenergomash daughter enterprise – Atomtrubprovodmontazh – commissioned a manufacturing facility to make high and low-pressure pipes using carbon steel and alloyed steel. The pipes will be made for nuclear power plants and cogeneration plants as well as gas, oil, and chemical enterprises. The designed output capacity is 250 tonnes per month.

The new manufacturing facility is located at premises of the Atommash factory after two manufacturing facilities – in Orenburg and Udomlya, Tver Oblast – were merged and relocated. The new facility uses modern machine tools, well-developed infrastructure, and quality control systems.

According to Atomenergomash Director General Andrei Nikipelov, the merged facility will reduce the time required for some manufacturing steps in addition to reducing prime costs and bolstering the competitive ability. It will also create new high-qualification jobs in Volgodonsk. Atomtrubprovodmontazh now employs 119 people and 113 of them are local specialists. The enterprise will employ over 200 people in the future. Taking into account plans to hire more personnel for the Atommash factory the Volgodonsk-based enterprises will create over 700 jobs within the next year.

The establishment of new manufacturing facilities at premises of the Atommash factory became possible thanks to efforts to concentrate the manufacturing of nuclear island equipment under one roof.

Atomenergomash is the power plant engineering division of the Russian nuclear industry corporation Rosatom and is one of Russia’s top power plant engineering companies. Atomenergomash supplies effective all-in-one solutions for nuclear energy industry, thermal power industry, gas, oil and chemical industries. The company has manufacturing, research, and engineering enterprises in Russia and other countries.