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AtomExpo 2015 business program ready

Sergei Kiriyenko, Director General of the Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom, has approved the business program of the 7th international forum AtomExpo 2015 that will take place in Moscow on 1-3 June 2015, the press service of OOO AtomExpo told BelTA.

The plenary session on nuclear power engineering as a boost to social and economic development will be the main event of the forum. Representatives of various countries will be there to discuss advantages of nuclear energy, the influence of nuclear energy on the social and economic development of countries, and possible problems arising from the rejection of nuclear energy. The plenary session will be moderated by Agneta Rising, Director General of the World Nuclear Association (WNA).

Taking part in the session will be Rosatom head Sergei Kiryenko, President and CEO of Areva Company Philippe Knoche, Director General of the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) William Magwood, Chairman of the Energy and Climate Change Committee of the House of Commons of the UK parliament Tim Yeo, Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Commission of Jordan Khaled Toukan, Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Trade Vu Huy Hoang, South African Energy Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson, Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yildiz, and President of the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum Takuya Hattori.

The business program of the forum will focus on Russia’s cooperation with Latin America, Asian and Pacific countries, Africa, Central and Eastern Europe in the area of nuclear energy. Russian proposals for the development of national energy programs will be discussed. A special session on nuclear energy in BRICS countries will be dedicated to discussing those matters.

Roundtable sessions will be held to discuss the role of the nuclear fuel cycle in the modern nuclear energy industry, economic effectiveness, safety guarantees during the implementation of reference solutions in the final stage of the lifecycle of installations that use nuclear energy, global nuclear engineering and opportunities for global and local partnerships. Roundtable sessions will also be held to discuss the engineering of energy equipment, cooperation on the global market, integrated solutions for training personnel and the development of nuclear infrastructure for national nuclear programs, modern approaches in the operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants, new products of the nuclear industry, promising development avenues and projects.

This year’s forum will take place at 4 Ilyinka Street. A specialized exhibition of leading Russian and foreign enterprises of nuclear industry and allied industries will be arranged as part of the forum.

In 2014 the business program of the AtomExpo forum gathered over 3,500 representatives of 600 organizations and corporations, including 283 foreign companies from 42 countries.