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Atomexpo Belarus 2015 to begin in Minsk on 22 April


The 7th international expo and conference Atomexpo Belarus 2015 will be opened in Minsk on 22 April, the Atomexpo press service told BelTA.

Scheduled for 22-24 April, Atomexpo Belarus 2015 is meant to demonstrate the latest technologies used to design, build, operate, and secure nuclear power plants. The forum will also highlight ways to ensure effective deliveries of equipment for building the Belarusian nuclear power plant and to assist with the formation and development of nuclear infrastructure in the Republic of Belarus.

In his address to participants and guests of the conference Sergei Kiriyenko, Director General of the Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom, noted: “The international expo and conference Atomexpo Belarus 2015 can truly be called the key Belarusian venue for the regular exchange of experience and knowledge. Its format and the composition of participants allow discussing topical matters concerning the development of the nuclear energy industry in the Republic of Belarus along with demonstrating the latest technologies for designing, building, operating and keeping safe nuclear power plants.”

Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Vladimir Semashko is expected to take part in the opening ceremony as well as Rosatom’s First Deputy Director General Alexander Lokshin, Belarusian Energy Minister Vladimir Potupchik, President of the merged company ASE-NIAEP-AEP Valery Limarenko, President of the company Rusatom International Network Alexander Merten.

There are plans to discuss the main matters concerning the implementation of the project designed to build the nuclear power plant in Belarus during the plenary session of the conference on 22 April. Alexander Lokshin, Rosatom’s First Deputy Director General for Operations Management, Belarusian Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Mikhadyuk, Deputy Director General of the state enterprise Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant Andrei Barkun, President of the merged company ASE-NIAEP-AEP Valery Limarenko, First Deputy Director General, Chief Engineer of the state industrial group Belenergo Alexander Sivak, head of the Belarusian state institution National Center for Hydrometeorology, Radiation Pollution Control, and Environmental Monitoring Maria Germenchuk are expected to take part in the plenary session.

During the conference panel sessions will be held to discuss the creation of nuclear infrastructure, devices and equipment used in the construction of nuclear power plants, and the public acceptance of nuclear energy. A roundtable session will be held to discuss the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. Another roundtable session will be held to discuss non-energy uses of nuclear power such as nuclear healthcare, supercomputers, non-destructive testing, and superconductors.

As part of the forum a specialized expo of Russian and Belarusian enterprises that make products and provide services for the nuclear energy industry will take place. Taking part in the expo will be TVEL, Belnipienergoprom, Atomenergomash, VNIIEM Corporation, Belaruskabel, FGUP GKhK, Rosenergoatom, Energomashspetsstal, Atomtex and other companies.

For the first time visitors will be able to see a holographic virtual model of the AES-2006 nuclear power plant that will demonstrate the interior and exterior parts of the design of the nuclear power plant, its structure and the communications system.

This year’s expo and conference are expected to gather over 80 Russian and Belarusian companies and organizations.

The 7th international expo and conference Atomexpo Belarus 2015 has been organized upon the initiative of the Belarusian Energy Ministry with assistance of the Russian state corporation Rosatom. Atomexpo Company is the operator of the forum on the Russian side.