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AtomExpo Belarus kicks off in Minsk

The 8th edition of the international expo and conference AtomExpo Belarus will take place at the national exhibition center BelExpo in Minsk from 19 to 21 April, BelTA learnt from the AtomExpo press service.

On 19 April the official opening ceremony of the exhibition and conference will be attended by IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano, Belarus Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko, Belarus Energy Minister Vladimir Potupchik, First Deputy CEO for Operations Management at Rosatom Alexander Lokshin, Deputy CEO for International Relations at Rosatom Nikolai Spassky, Belarus First Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Iya Malkina, Belarus’ permanent representative in international organizations in Vienna Valery Voronetsky.

The business program will include a conference with a plenary meeting and roundtables. The conference will discuss innovative technologies applied in various industrial branches, social acceptance of nuclear power, the development of nuclear infrastructure, building technologies, materials, equipment for NPP construction, cutting-edge equipment for NPPs and nuclear power industry.

Partaking in the exhibition and conference will be leading Russian and Belarusian companies that will showcase their products and services for the nuclear power industry. Among them will be ASE Group, Rosatom’s TVEL Fuel Company, Atomenergoprom, Atomenergomash, Rusatom Service, Izhorskiye Zavody, Rosenergoatom Concern, Belenergo, Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant, Mogilevliftmash, Atomtech, Belaruskabel and others.

The exposition will also feature an exhibition of Hungarian photographer Vince Balint. The photos depicting nature in vicinity to a nuclear power plant demonstrates that flora and fauna can wonderfully cohabit with a complicated technical building such as a nuclear power plant.  
Accredited to take part in the exhibition and conference were over 60 representatives of mass media from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, France, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Finland. Journalists will be taken on a press tour around the construction site of the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

The international expo and conference AtomExpo Belarus will be held on the initiative of the Energy Ministry of Belarus with the support of the Russian state nuclear energy industry corporation Rosatom.