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Atomexpo Belarus to take place in Minsk on 18-20 April

The ninth international expo and conference Atomexpo Belarus 2017 is scheduled to take place in the national expo center BelExpo, Minsk on 18-20 April, the press service of OOO Atomexpo told BelTA.

The event will be organized upon the initiative of the Belarusian Energy Ministry with assistance of the Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom.

Over the course of nine years Atomexpo Belarus has become a major expo and expert venue where state-of-the-art equipment and technologies are demonstrated, where cooperation matters are discussed, where proposals are put together for the sake of better development of the nuclear energy industry in Belarus.

The business program will feature a conference and a plenary session, panel sessions, and roundtable sessions. The discussions are expected to focus on the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant, the public’s acceptance of nuclear energy, the creation of centers for nuclear science and technologies on the basis of research reactors, nuclear medicine, and other areas.

The expo will feature the following sections: construction of complex industrial facilities; project management; automation of manufacturing processes; instruments and instrument making; pipelines, fittings, ventilation equipment, pumps; heating and lifting equipment; electrical equipment, cable products, high-voltage equipment; machine construction for power engineering and nuclear industry; materials and technologies for power engineering; nuclear medicine; treatment of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel; information technologies and services.

Mass media representatives will be able to go on a press tour to the construction site of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. The reporters will be able to get familiar with the project’s progress.

Following the established tradition, top executives of the Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom and top officials of various Belarusian government agencies will attend the expo venue and the business venue of Atomexpo Belarus. In 2016 the conference gathered over 400 nuclear industry specialists from Belarus and Russia, representatives of the business community, science, government agencies, and the general public. Over 4,000 people visited the expo venue.