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Atomexpo to discuss prospects for international nuclear power industry in Moscow 

Prospects for the development of the international nuclear power industry will be discussed at the eighth international forum Atomexpo due in Moscow on 30 May-1 June, spokeswoman for OOO Atomexpo  Svetlana Bendas told BelTA. 

One of the key events of the forum will be a plenary session The Future of Nuclear Energy. New Players. It will review the development of the international nuclear power industry, cooperation with countries that are planning to develop nuclear energy and the main aspects of Rosatom's integrated offer. New players are countries with no experience in the use of nuclear technologies whose entrance into the ranks of nuclear power countries may be a catalyst for their high-tech development and will have an influence on the future of nuclear power generation. 

The moderator of the session will be Director General of the World Nuclear Association Agneta Rising.

Director General of Rosatom Sergei Kiriyenko is expected to address the plenary session. Other speakers include Rosatom's First Deputy Director General for Corporate Development and International Business Kirill Komarov, IAEA Deputy Director General Mikhail Chudakov, and representatives of the energy ministries of Bolivia, Nigeria, Jordan, Cambodia and other countries.
The business agenda of Atomexpo 2016 includes more than 10 discussion platforms.

The organizer of the event is State Corporation Rosatom, operator – OOO Atomexpo.