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Belarus' accomplishments in energy independence, technological independence pointed out


MINSK, 27 April (BelTA) – Despite external challenges Belarus has managed to level out, stay on its feet, and continue its development. Belarusian Deputy Energy Minister Olga Prudnikova mentioned it during the press conference held in BelTA's press center to discuss the creation of mechanisms of Belarusian-Russian cooperation for the sake of enhancing the potential for energy effectiveness and resource saving.

Olga Prudnikova said: “We've secured certain results in energy independence and technological independence. In the complicated situation around our country we've managed to level out, stay on our feet, and continue our development.”

Olga Prudnikova

As for energy independence, the national security concept is the key document. “From the point of view of the Energy Ministry as a regulating body we see that energy independence, energy security go hand in hand with economic and ecological security. These areas are intertwined and have a substantial effect on each other,” the official noted.

Speaking about the contest Energy Effectiveness Leader 2023, Olga Prudnikova stressed: “In the course of evaluating winners we have to pay more attention to matters relating to import substitution. In the period when we were introducing energy-effective technologies, we had to primarily use imported equipment. Today it would be desirable for Belarus to have its own equipment that can be used in power engineering, gas industry and by our consumers. Respectively it will bring about new jobs, keep our facilities busy. It will mean repair capability, maintenance, personnel, and so on. This is why I hope we will see new proposals and solutions this year.”
