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Belarus attending Ashgabat Energy Charter Forum

Belarus Deputy Energy Minister Vadim Zakrevsky is representing Belarus at the Ashgabat International Energy Charter Forum which is underway in the Turkmen capital on 30-31 May, BelTA has learned.

The forum is discussing the issues related to the development of a multilateral framework agreement on international transit of energy resources. The program of the forum includes sessions on cross-border transport and transit of natural gas, the growing role of liquefied natural gas in global energy security, oil supplies to world markets, cross-border trade in electricity and sustainable development. The Turkmen capital will also host the fifth meeting of experts on reliable and stable transit of energy resources.

Earlier, Ashgabat suggested in the UN to start working out universal mechanisms to secure reliable and safe operation of the international energy infrastructure taking into account the interests of producing, transit and consuming countries. The theme is high on the agenda of the Ashgabat forum.

Turkmenistan is one of the key players on the gas market in the Caspian region and Central Asia. Today the main consumers of Turkmenistan’s natural fuel are China and Iran. Turkmenistan is ranked fourth in natural gas reserves worldwide and shows interest in new markets in Europe and Asia.

Turkmenistan is presiding in the Energy Charter and the forum is the central event of the country’s presidency.