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Belarus, Bangladesh to cooperate in peaceful uses of nuclear energy

Belarus and Bangladesh intend to cooperate in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Representatives of the Belarusian Energy Ministry told BelTA that with the memorandum, which was signed in Minsk during the visit of the Bangladesh delegation, the sides expressed their interest in establishing cooperation in such areas as the implementation of a nuclear energy program, the development of nuclear power engineering infrastructure, the construction and operation of power-generating units of nuclear stations, electricity generation, nuclear security and radiation protection, and cooperation in training and career enhancement of Bangladeshi specialists in Belarus.

Plans have been made for experts of Belarus and Bangladesh to work out a draft intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

A Bangladesh government delegation led by the country’s prime minister visited Belarus on 8-9 July. Negotiations in Minsk resulted in the signing of nine international documents on cooperation in various spheres, including finance and joint programs in education and culture.

In 2012 Belarus-Bangladesh trade totaled $69.9 million, with Belarus’ export at $57 million. In January-April 2013 Belarus-Bangladesh trade exceeded $43 million, with Belarus’ export at $37.5 million. Bangladesh is interesting for Belarus as a market to sell potash fertilizers, chemical yarns, mechanical engineering products, and education services.

Like Belarus Bangladesh is intent on developing a nuclear power engineering industry of its own. In November 2011 Russia and Bangladesh signed an agreement on building two-power generating units of a Russian design with the installed capacity of 1,000MW each at the Ruppur site 200km away from the country’s capital, Dhaka. On 27 June 2013 the Russian company OAO NIAEP and the Bangladesh commission for nuclear energy signed a contract for the development of the feasibility study for the construction project, the environmental impact assessment study for the Ruppur site, the fulfillment of engineering surveys and ecological surveys for the project to build the first nuclear power plant in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh drastically needs electricity since the majority of the population has no adequate access to electricity. According to statements made by Bangladesh government officials, the construction of the nuclear power plant is very important for the country.