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Belarus catches up with world leaders in energy intensity reduction

In decreasing the level of energy consumption per unit of GDP Belarus has almost approached the world’s leading countries, First Vice Premier of Belarus Vladimir Semashko said at the meeting of the State Committee for Standardization on 12 February, BelTA learned.

“We have developed a system on GDP energy intensity reduction which has already yielded great results,” the Belarusian official said. Vladimir Semashko noted that before the Soviet Union collapse Belarus’ figures were the following: 690kg in oil equivalent per $1,000 in GDP. This parameter, the First Vice Premier said, shows not only the work on energy efficiency but also demonstrates the economic, scientific and technical development of the state. The higher the parameter is, the worse.

“We had 690kg. I can say that as of 2012 we had 240kg (in oil equivalent per $1,000 in GDP - BelTA), i.e. down 2.9 times,” the official said. Just to compare: Russian consumption per unit of GDP fell from 580kg in oil equivalent per $1,000 in GDP to 460kg, Ukraine showed a decrease from 560kg to 490kg. “Energy intensity levels plunged by 27-30% in the two countries, we had a 290%-decrease. It proves our system works,” Vladimir Semashko said.

According to the First Vice Premier, Belarus has approached the world’s leading countries in GDP energy intensity reduction. For instance, this parameter stands at 210kg in oil equivalent per $1,000 in GDP in Canada and 200 kg in Finland. “At the same time energy intensity levels in Belgium and Germany are at 150-160kg. That means we still have someone to look up to,” Vladimir Semashko said.