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Belarus considering possible radioactive waste storage sites

Nikolai Mikhailov

MINSK, 29 June (BelTA) – The place for storing radioactive waste in Belarus has not been chosen yet, the possible options are being discussed, BelTA learned from Nikolai Mikhailov, Deputy Director of the Nuclear Energy Department, Head of the Nuclear Power Plant Operation Organization and Radioactive Waste Management Office of the Belarusian Energy Ministry.

Nikolai Mikhailov said: “At present government agencies concerned are preparing a roadmap on implementing the project to build a radioactive waste burial facility.” The first stage of the project is supposed to be commissioned by 2030.

Possible locations for building the facility are still being considered. The site has to meet a number of criteria. “There are geological and natural factors that prohibit building such a storage facility due to seismic activity and possible floods. Economic factors are also taken into account since the facility can spur economic growth in a concrete territory. Satellite enterprises may be established around it. Apart from that, it can contribute to the development of human potential. Social aspects are also important. The decision will be made by a government commission taking into account scientific approaches and calculations,” Head of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor) Olga Lugovskaya explained. In her words, in addition to other options they are considering the exclusion zone and sites near the main source of radioactive waste – the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

Public hearings will be organized before construction work begins.
