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Belarus, Czech Republic mull over about 15 joint energy projects


Belarus and the Czech Republic are considering about 15 joint projects in the energy sector, Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus Alexander Guryanov told media on 13 May following the plenary session of the Belarusian-Czech mixed commission on economic, industrial and sci-tech cooperation, BelTA has learned.

“Czech companies are taking part in the construction of hydroelectric power plants in Belarus. All in all, about 40 various projects are under consideration. The cost of many of them exceeds €25 million. It means these projects are serious and quite efficient for the Belarusian economy,” the official said.

Speaking about the completed projects, Alexander Guryanov named the construction of a logistics center in Shchitomirichi with the participation of Metrostav Company. The project was launched two years ago. The facility is operational and is considered one of the best logistics centers in Belarus. “Not long ago we initiated the construction of a pig complex with the participation of the Czech company Bauer Technics near Borisov. The project has been completed. The parties are mulling over the construction of its second stage. Czech companies have been actively participating in the modernization of the rolling stock of the Belarusian railway, oil refineries, including OAO Naftan,” the Deputy Minister said. The Czech Republic is taking an active part in the work of the Belarusian industrial holding companies. An opportunity is discussed to set up a joint production of various machine-tools and equipment.
“Besides, it has become known that the Czech company will take part in the launch of paper production at the Shklov newsprint plant. The project which envisages the production the basic element for decorative finishing materials will cost €80 million. We also discuss the construction of the second transport and logistics center in Kozlovichi with the participation of Metrostav Company,” Alexander Guryanov said.

In 2013 a total of $63 million was invested by the Czech Republic to the Belarusian economy. “Half of these investments are long-term loans attracted to implement joint contracts and projects. The other half is direct investment of the Czech Republic in Belarus, i.e. investment by joint and foreign companies which number is nearing 100,” the official said.

Speaking about the Q1 results, Alexander Guryanov noted that the balance of trade is changing. "There are changes in the Belarusian exports to the Czech Republic. In January-March Belarus added 48%. There has been some decline in the Czech supplies to Belarus, but it is temporary. The Czech Republic is an important market for BMZ. We also opened a Gomselmash office in Czechia and started selling farm machines there. MTZ has been active in this market as well. In addition, Belarus supplies the Czech Republic with fiberglass, various high-tech products, including optics,” he said. With respect to services, the Czechs are active suppliers of engineering and construction services to Belarus while Belarus provides transport services.

The mixed commission discussed the main areas of cooperation: industry, energy, agriculture, transport and research. “We implement the arrangements reached by the joint commission. The last meeting was held in April 2013 and we almost finished fulfilling the protocol of bilateral decisions,” he stressed.

Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Mr Jiri Koliba noted that Belarus and the Czech Republic have established successful cooperation. "I believe that this cooperation will develop further. At the sixth meeting of the mixed commission on economic, industrial and sci-tech cooperation we discussed and agreed on virtually all major issues. We hope that this fruitful work will continue at the seventh session of the commission to be held in Prague next year,” said Mr Jiri Koliba.