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Belarus, Ecuador happy with cooperation in oil industry


Belarus and Ecuador successfully collaborate in oil exploration and production. This statement was made by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and President of Ecuador Rafael Correa Delgado at an extended-participation meeting on 31 October, BelTA has learnt.

Alexander Lukashenko believes that the fruitful cooperation should be expanded and extended to other fields. For example, the heads of state agreed to promote cooperation in power engineering, construct power grids in Ecuador, establish joint production of machinery and intensify ties in science and the defense sector.

“I am convinced that by joint effort we will be able to open up a brand new stage in the history of our relations. Belarus is ready for the most active actions in this direction, first and foremost in the economic field,” the Belarusian head of state said.

The Belarusian President believes that the potential of the two countries allows dramatically expanding the mutually beneficial cooperation.

Alexander Lukashenko emphasized that Belarus attaches great importance to closer ties with Latin America, including Ecuador. “This is easy to understand. We share views on most of the points of the international agenda. We understand and share your approaches to addressing social and economic tasks. It is with great interest and joy that we watch the transformations taking place in Ecuador,” the Belarusian leader said.

Alexander Lukashenko noted that Belarus is ready for an open and businesslike dialogue with partners from Ecuador in all the areas of the mutual interest. “Our common task is to lay a solid foundation to materialize promising projects,” the Belarusian head of state said. He expressed confidence that the ongoing visit of the high-profile Ecuadorian delegation to Belarus will give a powerful impetus to mutually beneficial cooperation in the best interests of the two countries.

Belarus and Ecuador are similar in many ways. They have no disagreements, which is a good precondition for a long-lasting cooperation, the Belarusian President believes.

Alexander Lukashenko invited his Ecuadorian counterpart and the Ecuadorian delegation to discuss priority cooperation fields and outline projects and ways to implement them.