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Belarus' energy minister: Demand for nuclear energy is rising amid energy crisis

Viktor Karankevich. Photo courtesy of the Energy Ministry

MINSK, 12 October (BelTA) – The demand for nuclear energy is growing amidst the energy crisis, Belarus' Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich said as he spoke at a panel session of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM during the Russian Energy Week, BelTA learned from the press service of the Energy Ministry.

“As the energy crisis is growing in scope, the access to a reliable, environmentally friendly and cost-effective source of electricity has become a priority for many states,” Viktor Karankevich noted.

The minister recalled that in 2008 Belarus took a strategic decision to build its own nuclear power plant. This large-scale project made part of the Energy Security Concept and was designed to significantly boost the country's energy self-sufficiency. “Belarus threw its lot with nuclear energy, as it has a great innovation, production and technological potential. As time has shown, this decision has proved to be right,” the energy minister stressed. The project has put the country in a better place to meet the growing demand for electricity to power its factories and homes, the press service of the ministry added.

With the commissioning of the second unit, the Belarusian nuclear power plant will increase the electricity output to 18.5 billion kWh per year, which is about 40% of domestic needs.
