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Belarus expects prices for Russian gas to reduce by over $10 per 1m3

The Belarusian Energy Ministry hopes that the prices for Russian gas will reduce by more than $10 per 1m3 in 2016, Belarus’ Deputy Energy Minister Vadim Zakrevsky told reporters on 18 December, BelTA has learned.

Vadim Zakrevsky noted that Belarus is now holding consultations with the Russian side to discuss the possibility to reduce the gas prices and to calculate their final size on the border. “We have grounds to say so,” the deputy energy minister said.

Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko has recently said that today there are good reasons for reducing the prices for Russian gas starting from 1 January 2016. There are plans to calculate the prices and prepare corresponding documents by 21 December.

In his words, at present Belarus pays $142.4 for 1m3 of Russian gas.

In 2014, Belarus’ import of gas made up 20.1 billion m3, the volume of transit via Belarus was 45.1 billion m3. The gas transportation system is efficient; minor repairs and diagnostics of main gas lines have been done in full and on schedule.
Tags: cooperationgasRussia