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Belarus' experience in energy efficiency praised as useful for EAEU

Viktor Nazarenko

MINSK, 11 December (BelTA) – It is reasonable to use Belarus' experience in energy efficiency in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Chairman of Belarus' State Standardization Committee Viktor Nazarenko told the media on 11 December, BelTA has learned.

“Energy efficiency is under serious consideration in the EAEU. Relevant technical regulations are in the works. Belarus insists on such a level of requirements that we are introducing in our country. It is reasonable to use our experience,” Viktor Nazarenko said.

The EAEU technical regulations “On requirements for the energy efficiency of energy-consuming devices” have been under development since 2013. The document is now at the final stage of adoption. The draft technical regulations have already been harmonized with the domestic legislation. Consensus meetings are now being held to specify certain provisions, in particular those on product compliance forms, requirements for labeling energy-consuming devices, the forms and content of energy efficiency labels, and updating the list of standards required to implement the technical regulations.

According to Viktor Nazarenko, today the imported equipment is checked for compliance with the technical requirements of the Customs Union, and also safety regulations. “We offer the suppliers of equipment to Belarus to run an energy efficiency check, too. This is a national requirement. This is why everyone who delivers equipment to Belarus should check energy efficiency as part of electrical safety certification. This work is very useful. In order to deliver equipment to Belarus, we should know its energy efficiency class. In turn, our manufacturers that comply with the domestic requirements are entirely sure that the European market is open to them in terms of energy efficiency,” the official added.
