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Belarus’ experience in use of energy-efficient technologies featured in UNDP review

Belarus’ positive experience in the use of energy-efficient technologies is featured in the compendium of human development stories from Europe and Central Asia “Empowering Lives, Building Resilience”, BelTA learned from the press service of the Foreign Ministry.

The publication presentation ceremony was held at the UN headquarters in New York on 11 December and was attended by Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus Valentin Rybakov. The third volume of Empowering Lives, Building Resilience prepared by the UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and CIS compiles sustainable energy success stories from UNDP’s work, demonstrating the transformational change in the lives of people and societies. A separate section of the review is dedicated to the positive experience of Belarus in the use of energy-efficient technologies.

The Belarusian Deputy Minister met with UNDP Administrator Helen Clark. Valentin Rybakov confirmed the interest of Belarus in expanding cooperation with UNDP in such areas as renewable energy and energy efficiency. The parties also discussed the prospects of organizing a visit of Helen Clark to Belarus in 2014.