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Belarus’ GDP energy intensity down 10.7% in 2013

In 2013 Belarus’ GDP energy intensity was reduced by 10.7%, which was more than the 7% projection, Director of Department on Energy Efficiency of the State Committee for Standardization Sergei Semashko told BelTA after the session of the ministry to review the 2013 results.

In 2013 Belarus consumed 26.35 million tonnes of equivalent fuel (excluding light oil products and raw materials), down 1.3% from the previous year. The package of measures on energy conservation and efficiency helped save 1.572 million tonnes of fuel equivalent, well above the target of 1.4 million tonnes. The share of local fuels in the boiler-furnace fuel budget increased to 26.4%, also above the target of 25.5%. Over Br18.8 trillion was allocated to finance the energy-saving program.

In 2014 the country is going to reduce the GDP energy intensity by 3%, to increase the share of local fuels in the boiler and furnace fuels budget up to 26%, and to save over 1.5 million tonnes of equivalent fuel.

According to Sergei Semashko, in general the results are satisfactory, taking into consideration the fact that the year 2013 was not an easy one for the country. Small-scale power generation is developing rapidly, the number of facilities running on local and renewable fuel is growing, and energy conservation programs are being implemented. Nevertheless, there are several alarming facts: Vitebsk Oblast has failed to perform all the tasks and the Architecture and Construction Ministry has not achieved the energy conservation targets.