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Belarus’ Gosatomnadzor prepared for IAEA regulatory review mission

Gosatomnadzor is ready to receive a IAEA regulatory review mission, First Deputy Head of Gosatomnadzor (Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry) Sergei Drobot told reporters during Atomexpo, BelTA has learnt.

“In 2016 we will have quite a tough test. We will host an IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) team. They will work at Gosatomnadzor for two weeks and will thoroughly examine our activities.  We have already prepared almost all materials for the mission,” Sergei Drobot noted. After the visit the IAEA team will prepare a report on the work of the regulatory authority.

According to Sergei Drobot, Belarus has already hosted missions for emergency preparedness assessment, integrated nuclear infrastructure review, and the development of a network of crisis centers for nuclear energy.

Before the first unit is launched in 2018, Belarus will host seven assessment missions of the IAEA. One of the missions will assess the site selected for nuclear power plant construction. A separate mission will assess the security of the site just before the plant is commissioned. All seven IAEA missions will be about safety issues.