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Belarus’ Gosatomnadzor seeks closer cooperation with EU

The department for nuclear and radiation safety of the Emergencies Ministry of Belarus (Gosatomnadzor) aims to intensify cooperation with the EU experts, including Lithuanian ones, Gosatomnadzor head Olga Lugovskaya told an online conference hosted by BelTA on 14 August.

“We are keeping working contacts with Lithuanian counterparts within international projects. In the near future we are going to establish contacts,” the Gosatomnadzor head said. She also commented on possible presence of Lithuanian inspection teams at the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

“It is possible that experts from different countries will be present at the site. Today we are busy developing the international component,” she added.

According to the specialist, last year Belarus hosted the integrated nuclear infrastructure review mission (INIR mission) of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The goal of the mission was to give recommendations on safety infrastructure development. Many of them concerned the regulating body, i.e. Gosatomnadzor. “As for rhe majority of the recommendations, we had a clear understanding we need to do it. It is of great significance for us when such a prestigious international organization says we are moving in the right direction,” Olga Lugovskaya said.

The Gosatomnadzor head stressed that representatives of the department would be present at the Belarusian nuclear power plant even after its launch: “Exploitation is a very important stage. Our specialists will be present on a constant basis. In general, surveillance will be conducted at every stage even when the nuclear station is decommissioned.”

Olga Lugovskaya paid attention to the fact that in 2013 the department underwent cardinal changes. “Divisions that are tasked with nuclear station issues have been expanded. There has been also set up a territorial department: an inspection consisting of 12 experts, nine of whom will stay at the site,” the Gosatomnadzor head said.