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Belarus government policy on nuclear, radiation safety released


MINSK, 16 August (BelTA) – The government has codified the main directions for implementing a unified state policy in the area of ensuring nuclear and radiation safety by the Council of Ministers' resolution No.535 of 15 August 2023, BelTA learned from the national legal information registry.

The document emphasizes that nuclear and radiation safety is the highest priority in the course of activities involving the use of atomic energy and sources of ionizing radiation and one of the most important components of the national security of Belarus.

The fundamental principles include the prevention of accidents and, in general, the responsibility for ensuring safety, which is borne by operating organizations, users of sources of ionizing radiation as well as other organizations engaged in activities with the likelihood of harmful effects for people and their offspring as a result of irradiation. According to the document, the state is supposed to ensure the regulatory oversight of all aspects related to the protection of the population and of the environment from radiation risks. In addition, it is necessary to justify the safety of an activity. Any activities at nuclear facilities, nuclear heritage sites and radiation facilities as well as activities with sources of ionizing radiation, radioactive waste and nuclear materials, during which radiation risks for humans and the society may exceed the benefits of such activities, are not allowed in Belarus.

The document also limits risks for individuals. No individual should be exposed to an unacceptable radiation risk. To this end, a system for monitoring such risks should be created, including an assessment of radiation doses received. Another important principle is the protection of present and future generations. The life and health of people, the environment need to be protected from radiation risks, the negative impact of radioactive waste.

The directions for implementing these principles include, among other things, further improvement of the legal and regulatory framework, efforts to maintain the effectiveness of the established mechanisms of the personnel training system, improve their functioning taking into account peculiarities of every stage of the lifecycle of nuclear facilities and related activities. The document also provides for improving of the system of expert support, advisory support, and technical support for the further introduction of the principles of leadership and management for safety purposes in organizations participating in the implementation of the nuclear energy program.

A number of steps will be taken to ensure the program's realization. These include personnel training for nuclear energy industry, improvement of mechanisms for radioactive waste management, for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities, safe maintenance of nuclear legacy facilities, efforts to maintain long-term economic conditions for the operation of nuclear facilities in order to make sure that organizations will be able to keep the facilities safe until the end of their planned lifecycle. In addition, the document provides for checking whether the operating organizations have approved guidelines on carrying out operations in the course of decommissioning a nuclear installation, a storage facility, guidelines on managing radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. Measures will continue to be implemented to ensure radiation protection of humans and the environment, including ensuring the safety of nuclear legacy facilities.

The implementation of fundamental principles on safe transportation will be organized by means of developing the international legal base among other things, by dealing with issues relating to the forthcoming transportation of radioactive waste, by introducing promising technical solutions and equipment, technological processes with enhanced safety standards.

The state policy will be realized through coordinated and purposeful efforts of government agencies, organizations, and citizens. The Belarus government will provide general direction of the implementation of the state policy.

The Council of Ministers resolution will come into force on 14 October 2023.
