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Belarus hailed for open, transparent cooperation with IAEA IRRS mission

Belarus counterparts cooperated with the IRRS review team in an open and transparent manner, BelTA learned from the IAEA press release on the IRRS mission in Belarus.

Peter Johnston, Director of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety in the IAEA Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, said the Belarusian counterparts are committed to providing effective regulatory oversight of the nuclear program as well as a diverse range of activities with radiation sources. “I am confident they will take the action identified by the IRRS mission to further improve their preparations for the introduction of nuclear energy,” he said.

The final mission report will be provided to the Government of Belarus in a few months’ time.

The IRRS review team in Belarus included experts from Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine and the United States, five IAEA representatives and an observer from the European commission.

Belarus hosted its first IAEA’s Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) mission on 2-14 October. The major goal of the mission was to evaluate the conformity of Belarus’ regulatory infrastructure and regulating activity with the IAEA safety standards. The review team worked out 25 recommendations and 20 suggestions for Belarus.