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Belarus high in 2014 NTI Nuclear Materials Security Index

Belarus is ranked ninth in the 2014 Nuclear Materials Security Index compiled by the non-governmental organization Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI). It is the highest achievement among the ex-USSR countries, BelTA has learned.

The organization was founded by US media tycoon Ted Turner and former Democrat senator Sam Nunn.

The document rates nuclear materials storage conditions in 176 countries.

The top five countries with the best nuclear materials storage conditions include Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, and Norway. The top ex-USSR countries include Belarus (ninth), Kazakhstan (15th), Russia (18th), and Uzbekistan (18th).

The survey authors indicate that during the preparation of the index multiple factors were taken into account, including the degree of physical protection of nuclear materials, their volumes, the number of storage installations, the political situation in the country, the level of transparency, corruption, and many other things.