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Belarus in favor of competent dialogue on BelNPP-related matters

Belarus has always been in favor of a competent dialogue between relevant agencies on all matters related to the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant (BelNPP), spokesman for the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dmitry Mironchik told a press briefing as he commented on Lithuania’s recent move to appoint a special envoy to coordinate BelNPP construction-related matters, BelTA has learned.

“So far, the Lithuanian side has not informed us officially about the scope of duties and powers of the envoy. Neither do we know who will occupy this position. You know that Belarus has always been in favor of a competent dialogue between relevant agencies on all matters related to the construction of the BelNPP. I mean the agencies and ministries responsible for energy, environmental protection, economy, the national regulatory bodies,” Dmitry Mironchik specified.

“If the Lithuanian side needs a coordinator in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a more effective dialogue with Belarus, it has a right to do so. We can only welcome this move. If this post is established only for the purpose of further politicizing the issue and bringing the discussions to international organizations that often have nothing to do with nuclear issues, energy, or environment, then we see it as quite a counterproductive step,” Dmitry Mironchik said.