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Belarus invites foreign partners to visit BelNPP

Belarus does not refuse entry to foreign partners who want to visit the Belarusian nuclear power plant and check its safety, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said at a meeting to discuss Belarus’ priorities in foreign politics at the present stage on 11 July, BelTA has learned.

“This is not just the largest infrastructure project in the region. This is a strategic initiative aimed at strengthening the country’s independence and energy security. Some of our neighbors are not comfortable with it,” the president pointed out. “I would like to invite those who want to know more about the BelNPP safety to visit the plant. We do not refuse entry to anyone, and we should not do so. The BelNPP safety is our major concern,” the president noted.

He stressed that the BelNPP is being constructed by Russia, an energy superpower. The country has achieved great successes in this field. Alexander Lukashenko remarked there is competition between the world’s major countries that can also build nuclear power plants.

The head of state also highlighted the need to think of energy consumers after the BelNPP is commissioned. The president said he is looking for relevant proposals from the government. “When developing new technologies and production programs we need to take into account the upcoming changes in Belarus’ energy balance related to the commissioning of the first BelNPP unit in 2019,” he added.