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Belarus, Latvia discuss implementation of nuclear safety cooperation agreement


MINSK, 8 February (BelTA) – Belarusian First Deputy Emergencies Minister Vasily Stepanenko and Latvian Environmental Protection and Regional Development Minister Kaspars Gerhards have discussed cooperation in nuclear safety, BelTA learned from the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor).

The sides discussed a number of matters, including further steps in the context of the recently signed Belarus-Latvia agreement on early notification of nuclear accidents, information exchange, and cooperation in nuclear safety and radiation protection. They also touched upon ways to ensure safety at the BelNPP and other matters of mutual interest.

Up to date, Belarus has cooperated with Latvia in nuclear safety and radiation protection on a multilateral basis within the framework of conventions, treaties, and agreements to which Belarus and Latvia are parties. The new intergovernmental agreement sets the framework for bilateral cooperation.

The government bodies in charge of its implementation are the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry and the Latvian Environmental Protection and Regional Development Ministry

The document envisages prompt exchange of information on nuclear and radiation accidents, which can have radiological consequences for the other country, and also the monitoring of ionizing radiation at the levels that may be harmful to human health. The document enables the possibility of scientific and technical cooperation in nuclear safety and radiation protection, including radiation and environmental monitoring, disposal of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste.
