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Belarus MPs to consider ratification of protocol on oil duties 10 November

The House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus will convene on 10 November to consider the ratification of the Belarusian-Russian intergovernmental protocol on oil duties, BelTA learnt from the press service of the House of Representatives.

The protocol was signed in Astana on 29 May 2014 to amend the agreement on the order of payment and calculation of export customs duties on crude oil and some oil products (other equivalent duties, taxes and fees) exported by the Republic of Belarus outside the customs territory of the Customs Union.

According to the document, the amount of paid (recovered), within one calendar month, export customs duties, penalties that not exceed $125 million shall be credited to the budget of Belarus. The amount in excess of $125 million shall be transferred by the authorized body of Belarus to the budget of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the agreement, the amount of paid (recovered) export customs duties, penalties to the budget of Belarus shall not exceed $1.5 billion each calendar year.

Lawmakers also plan to review the first reading of the draft laws on the alternative service and also the additions and amendments to some laws of the Republic of Belarus on the alternative service.

The draft law on amendments and additions of the law of the Republic of Belarus on counteracting human trafficking is expected to pass the second reading.

The MPs are also set to ratify the Belarusian-Georgian inter-government agreement on sharing information on taxation matters.