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Belarus named EAEU leader in reducing energy intensity

 Minsk, 16 April (BelTA) - Belarus is the leader in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in reducing of energy intensity Vitaly Kretsky, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Standardization (Gosstandart) of Belarus - Director of the Department of Energy Efficiency, told a press conference in BelTA’s press center on 16 April, BelTA has learned.

"Our country has achieved certain successes in terms of energy intensity. Compared to 2000, this figure has been reduced by more than two times. In the EAEU countries, the pace is much slower. For example, Belarus is followed by Kazakhstan that reduced energy security by about 1.2 times compared to 2000," Vitaly Kretsky noted.

Yet, according to him, the rate of reduction in energy intensity has recently fallen. "This is due to the need for greater investment in technologies, the renewal of technological progress and financial costs. Along with reducing the energy intensity of products, efforts are directed in improving competitiveness and labor productivity. Thus, the rate of reduction of energy intensity over 10 years has been about 10%, which corresponds to the global approach. Belarus will continue to adhere to this path," Vitaly Kretsky said.