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Belarus, Russia agree on 24m tonnes of oil deliveries in 2016

Belarus and Russia have agreed on the delivery of 24 million tonnes of oil in 2016, Belarus’ Vice Premier Vladimir Semashko told media as he is taking part in a meeting of the Belneftekhim Concern Council on 31 July.

“The balance sheet with Russia has been coordinated. We met with Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government Arkady Dvorkovich and signed the relevant protocol under which the oil deliveries will be increased by 1 million tonne next year. Thus, we have 23 million tonnes this year and will have 24 million tonnes next year,” Vladimir Semashko said.

“There is one more thing. This year 22 million tonnes of oil have been delivered through the pipeline, with 1 million tonnes wheeled to the country. We agreed that under certain conditions all 24 million tonnes of oil will be delivered to Belarus via pipelines next year,” the Vice Premier added. As for gasoline deliveries to Russia in 2016, Vladimir Semashko said that their amount will be deceased. “We had an agreement for 1.8 million tonnes of gasoline for 2015. We have agreed it will be 1 million tonnes next year,” he said.

In accordance with the indicative plans for the delivery of fuel and energy resources in 2015 Belarus is expected to get 23 million tonnes of Russian oil, including 22 million tonnes via pipelines. Belarus is expected to supply 3.1 million tonnes of oil products to Russia. Belarus’ Vice Premier Vladimir Semashko earlier said that the final volume of oil deliveries to Russia would be defined by the market conditions.
Tags: cooperationfueloilRussia