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Belarus-Russia agreement on transporting nuclear materials ratified by parliament's lower chamber

MINSK, 27 April (BelTA) – The House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus has passed a bill on ratifying the Belarusian-Russian intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the transportation of nuclear materials, BelTA has learned.

The bill had been brought into the House of Representatives of the National Assembly by the Council of Ministers.

The development and signing of the agreement are stipulated by provision No.4 of the Union State program on nuclear energy development. The program was adopted by ordinance No.6 of the Supreme State Council of the Union State of Belarus and Russia on 4 November 2021. The Belarusian Energy Ministry and the Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom worked out a plan on implementing the program. 1 January 2023 is the deadline for signing the plan.

In particular, the agreement regulates Belarus-Russia cooperation in the area of transportation of fuel assemblies, irradiated fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors, and radioactive waste. It specifies approved requirements for the import of fuel assemblies, irradiated fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors, and radioactive waste. It will allow introducing a procedure for transporting fuel assemblies, irradiated fuel assemblies assembly of nuclear reactors and radioactive waste for the sake of safe transportation of these cargoes through the territory of the destination state. It will allow introducing a procedure for escorting and providing physical security of fuel assemblies, irradiated fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors and radioactive waste. A procedure will be introduced for transferring the duties involved in escorting and guarding the transport carrying fuel assemblies, irradiated fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors and radioactive waste. Access of authorized persons to the transport vehicle will be regulated. The agreement will also allow specifying relations between the sides in the event of a nuclear incident and an accident during the transportation of fuel assemblies, irradiated fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors, and radioactive waste.

The agreement will apply only to the nuclear materials generated in the course of the lifecycle of the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

The bill contains no provisions contradicting international agreements of the Republic of Belarus and other international regulatory acts relating to the relevant sphere. The bill’s adoption will not entail negative social, financial, economic, and ecological consequences.