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Belarus, Russia continue negotiating next year’s price for natural gas

Negotiations on the price Belarus will pay for Russian natural gas in 2016 still continue, BelTA learned from Belarusian Deputy Energy Minister Vadim Zakrevsky.

The official said: “The matter has not been settled yet. The sides still continue negotiations at the moment. The Energy Ministry is taking care of technical matters such as calculating the price resulting from obligations in all the agreements.” The decision on the natural gas price may be made soon.

At present Belarus buys natural gas at $142.4 per 1,000m3. Earlier BelTA quoted Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Vladimir Semashko as saying that there are sufficient reasons for reducing the price for Russian natural gas as from 1 January 2016.

In 2014 Belarus bought 20.1 billion m3 of natural gas while 45.1 billion m3 crossed the country in transit.
Tags: gasRussia