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Belarus-Russia nuclear industry cooperation progressing well

Belarus and Russia promote comprehensive cooperation across the entire life cycle of nuclear energy. The cycle includes the construction of the nuclear power plant, the development of science, personnel training, and nuclear fuel provision. The statement was made by Rosatom head Sergei Kiriyenko.

“An open dialogue with the general public, the provision of transparent and open information about nuclear power plants and peaceful uses of nuclear energy on the whole represent an important part of the development of nuclear energy infrastructure. It is the goal that will be achieved by the creation of the nuclear energy information center in Belarus,” said Sergei Kiriyenko.

The Rosatom head thanked the Belarus government for expanding cooperation in matters of nuclear power engineering. “Built in accordance with Russian technologies, the Belarusian nuclear power plant is now an example of proper construction of a nuclear power plant. I recommend that all the countries that are about to decide in favor of developing their own nuclear energy industry should visit the Belarusian nuclear power plant and see how work is organized over there,” he said.

According to Sergei Kiriyenko, at present about 2,600 people are working at the construction site. By the end of the year the number will be increased to 3,000 people.

“The quality of work of Belarusian contractors is very high. We initially agreed that we will increase the localization level of the construction project in order to allow Belarusian companies to accumulate the experience of nuclear power plant construction for their own needs and for the sake of working with Russian companies in third countries. Belarusians are working very successfully,” noted the Rosatom head.

Construction workers started pouring concrete into the foundation of the facilities that will make up the first power-generating unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant at the Ostrovets site in November 2013. The Belarusian nuclear power plant will boast two power-generating units with the total generating capacity of up to 2,400MW (1,200MW each). The Russian design AES-2006 has been chosen to build the power plant. The design is fully compliant with international standards and IAEA recommendations. The Russian merged company OAO NIAEP – ZAO Atomstroyexport (ASE) is the general designer and the general contractor for building the power plant. The timeline for implementing the project is stipulated by the general contract. The first power-generating unit of the nuclear power plant is scheduled for launch in November 2018.