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Belarus, Russia working on establishment of common energy market in EEU

Belarus and Russia are working on the convergence of the positions regarding the establishment of the common energy market in the Eurasian Economic Union, Belarus’ Deputy Energy Minister Leonid Shenets said during the roundtable with the Belarusian and Russian journalists who are taking part in the press tour “Interaction of Belarus and Russia in the energy sector", BelTA has learned.

"We are working to bring our positions closer," Leonid Shenets said. According to him, there is no real single market today. There are plans to establish the single energy market by 2019, and to have equal prices for natural gas by 2025. "Today, this topic is the subject of active discussions, including with Russian and Belarusian experts," he explained.

"We are moving ahead. I think we will be able to find a solution in the near future,” the Deputy Minister added.

Deputy Secretary of the Belarus-Russia Union State Alexei Kubrin, for his part, noted that the creation of the single energy system of Russia and Belarus is a priority for the Union State. "This task has been put forward for the ministries of energy, economy and industry of Belarus and Russia. Task number one is to harmonize the terminology and legal framework. The same is true for the prices for fuel which will be delivered to produce energy,” Alexei Kubrin said.