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Belarus supplies 614,000 tonnes of gasoline to Russia since early 2015

Since early 2015, Belarus has delivered some 614,000 tonnes of gasoline to Russia, Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian petrochemical concern Belneftekhim Vitaly Pavlov said at a press conference that marked the Day of Oil Industry Workers on 2 September, BelTA has learned.

In accordance with the agreement between the two countries, Russia delivers oil to Belarus, and Belarus exports oil products to Russia. In line with the indicative balance of fuel and energy sources in 2015, Russia has to deliver 23 million tonnes of oil to Belarus. Belarus, in turn, has to export 1.8 million tonnes of motor gasoline to Russia.

“We continue supplying oil products to the Russian Federation. As much as 614,000 tonnes of gasoline has been delivered To Russia so far. We export products keeping in mind their economic component,” Vitaly Pavlov explained.

As for the year 2016, Belarus and Russia agreed that the latter will supply 24 million tonnes of oil to Belarus via pipelines. In turn, Belarus will have to deliver one million tonnes of motor gasoline to Russia.
Tags: cooperationfueloilRussia