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Belarus-Tatarstan task group to develop cooperation in chemistry, petrochemistry


Belarus and Tatarstan will set up a task group to develop cooperation in chemistry and petrochemistry, Vice Premier, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan Ravil Zaripov said as he met with First Vice Premier of Belarus Vladimir Semashko on 9 April.

The relevant agreement was reached during the ongoing visit of a delegation of Tatarstan to Belarus. “We have agreed to set up a task group on chemistry and petrochemistry to have a closer look at the whole range of technological issues, decide how to improve our integration, how reach a further increase in mutual supplies including through science,” Ravil Zaripov said.

The delegation from Tatarstan visited the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The parties outlined the areas for partnership development and agreed to work out new approaches to cooperation in chemistry and petrochemistry by September-October taking into account the global trends. “Tough competition on foreign markets is ahead of us, and it is better we unite,” Ravil Zaripov said.

In turn, Vladimir Semashko stressed that Belarus would like to expand mutually beneficial cooperation with Tatarstan not only in the field of chemistry and oil chemistry but also in other sectors, including agriculture. “We are ready to supply agricultural machinery and provide integrated services, not only the equipment but also mounted and towing equipment for specific climatic conditions,” he said. Besides, Belarus is interested in joint production of equipment. "This is not just about sales. We are interested in more serious forms of partnership, and we are ready to discuss all options," added Vladimir Semashko.

Last year the trade between Belarus and Tatarstan reached $2 billion, up 1.6 times as against 2011. Exports amounted to $407.2 million, imports totaled $1.6 billion. Belarus had a $1.2 billion deficit in trade with Tatarstan. The deficit was due to the predominance of the import of oil, oil products and other raw materials for the oil refineries. In January-February 2013 the trade amounted to $182.2 million.