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Belarus to host international conference on nuclear instrumentation

Belarus will host its first international conference, Engineering of Scintillation Materials and Radiotechnology ISMART 2014. The conference will take place at the Belarusian State University, BelTA learnt from the press service of the university.

The four-day scientific forum will open on 13 October. The conference is organized by the Research Institute for Nuclear Problems of the Belarusian State University, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia) and the Institute for Scintillation Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Partaking in the forum will be over 100 research scientists and developers, directors of leading international manufacturing companies in nuclear instrumentation. Specialists will represent Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Switzerland and Estonia.

“The participants of the forum are expected to discuss a wide range of issues covering various scientific areas: from high-energy physics to medical diagnosis and nuclear safety systems. The conference will focus on scintillation materials that are the main element, the “heart” of ionizing-radiation detectors. A detector is a device to find and measure the parameters of ionizing radiation like cosmic rays or particles from nuclear disintegration. The forum will also consider the results of the Big Hadron Collider program in the European Organization for Nuclear Research, new trends in developing materials for detectors and detection methods,” the university said.

The multidisciplinary character of the forum allows for uniting the latest achievements in the fundamental and applied research, advanced technologies and engineering solutions for development of radiation detectors. The forum will be held in a new format. Attending the conference will be representatives of big Russian and Belarusian producers of nuclear instrumentation to get familiar with the latest achievements of the participants of the scientific event.

According to the Belarusian State University, the university conducts regular research in nuclear physics and elementary-particle physics. Two subdivisions of the university, namely the Research Institute for Nuclear Problems and the National Scientific Center for Particle Physics and High Energy, are taking an active part in the Big Hadron Collider program in the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Besides, over 10 research scientists of the Belarusian State University are coauthors of the Higgs boson. Over the last 20 years Belarus has developed a strong nuclear instrumentation sector. It does not yield to information and biotechnologies and has a high export potential. The development of big nuclear energy facilities in the country will drive the nuclear instrumentation development, the Belarusian State University stated.

The conference materials will be published in the international journal Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems.