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Belarus to invite Czech specialists for BelNPP stress tests

Specialists from the Czech Republic will be invited to carry out stress tests at the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant (BelNPP), which are scheduled for December 2016. The relevant information was announced on the ONT TV channel, BelTA has learned.

“There is a preliminary decision that in December 2016 IAEA experts will evaluate the construction site of the future plant. This is a so-called SEED (Site and External Events Design) mission. There are also agreements with Russia to carry out stress tests. Specialists from the Czech Republic will be invited to take part in them,” the Belarusian TV channel said.

As was earlier informed, stress-testing the Belarusian nuclear power plant will be the Russian Design and Research Institute of Energy Technology Atomproekt. The stress testing procedure will evaluate the Belarusian nuclear power plant’s resilience to combinations of earthquakes, floods, extreme weather phenomena, and other kinds of external impact. Belarus will inform the European Commission about the results of the stress tests.

The Belarusian nuclear power plant is a project to build an AES-2006 type nuclear power plant 18km away from Ostrovets, Grodno Oblast. The BelNPP will have two power-generating units with the total output capacity of up to 2,400MW (2x1,200MW).