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Belarus to reduce export duties on oil, oil products as from 1 October

As from 1 October Belarus will reduce export duties on oil and oil products, which are exported beyond the Customs Union in line with Council of Ministers executive order No. 911 of 23 September 2014, BelTA has learned.

As from 1 October 2014 the export duty on crude oil will drop from $367.6 to $344.7 per tonne. The export duty on straight-run gasoline and commercial gasoline will be $310.2 per tonne ($330.8 per tonne at present). The export duty on light and medium distillates will be $227.5 per tonne ($242.6 per tonne). The same export duty will be applied to benzene, toluene, xylene, fuel oil, lubricants, waste oils, petrolatum and paraffin, petroleum coke (except for calcinated petroleum coke) and oil bitumen.

The export duty on diesel fuel will drop from $238.9 to $224 per tonne. The export duty on liquefied hydrocarbon gases will be reduced from $221 to $145 per tonne.

The new executive order was adopted to amend Council of Ministers executive order No. 1932 of 31 December 2010, which established export customs duties on crude oil and individual kinds of oil derivatives.